Attitudes Towards Thinking and Learning Survey | Critical Learning Incidents Survey | Collaborative Learning Survey

Attitudes Towards Thinking and Learning Survey

When I'm in discussions with my classmates...

  1. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | In evaluating what someone says, I focus on the quality of their argument, not on the person who's presenting it.
  2. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I like playing devil's advocate - arguing the opposite of what someone is saying.
  3. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I like to understand other people's points of view, what experiences have led them to feel the way they do.
  4. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | The most important part of my education has been learning to understand people who are very different to me.
  5. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | The best way for me to achieve my own identity is to interact with a variety of other people.
  6. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I enjoy hearing the opinions of people who come from backgrounds different to mine - it helps me to understand how the same things can be seen in such different ways.
  7. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I can strengthen my own position through arguing with someone who disagrees with me.
  8. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I am always interested in knowing why people say and believe the things they do.
  9. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I often question ideas of the authors of books that I read, trying to logically work out why they're wrong.
  10. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | It's important for me to remain as objective as possible when I analyse something.
  11. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I try to think with people instead of against them.
  12. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I have certain criteria I use in evaluating arguments.
  13. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I'm more likely to try to understand someone else's opinion than to try to evaluate it.
  14. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I try to identify weaknesses in other people's thinking to help them clarify their arguments.
  15. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I tend to look at things from other people's perspectives when discussing controversial issues, to see why they think the way they do.
  16. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | One could call my way of analysing things 'putting them on trial' because I am careful to consider all the evidence.
  17. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I value the use of logic and reason over the incorporation of my own concerns when solving problems.
  18. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I can obtain insight into opinions that differ from mine through empathy.
  19. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | When I encounter people whose opinions seem different to mine, I make a deliberate effort to try to see how they could have those opinions.
  20. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I spend time trying to identify what's 'wrong' with things. For example, I'll look for something in a literary interpretation that isn't argued well enough.


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