Atitudes Towards Thinking and Learning Survey | Critical Learning Incidents Survey | Collaborative Learning Survey

Collaborative Learning Survey

A. Relevance

In this lesson/topic/project...

  1. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | My learning focused on issues that interested me.
  2. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | What I learned is important for my English.
  3. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I learned how to improve my English.
  4. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | What I learned connects well with my English.

B. Reflective Thinking

In this lesson/topic/project...

  1. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I thought critically about how I learn.
  2. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I thought critically about my own ideas.
  3. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I thought critically about other students' ideas.
  4. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I thought critically about ideas in the readings.

C. Interactivity

In this lesson/topic/project...

  1. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I explained my ideas to other students.
  2. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I asked other students to explain their ideas.
  3. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | Other students asked me to explain my ideas.
  4. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | Other students responded to my ideas.

D. Teacher Support

In this lesson/topic/project...

  1. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | My teacher stimulated my thinking.
  2. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | My teacher encouraged me to participate.
  3. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | My teacher modelled good discourse.
  4. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | My teacher modelled critical self-reflection.

E. Peer Support

In this lesson/topic/project...

  1. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | Other students encouraged my participation.
  2. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | Other students praised my contribution.
  3. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | Other students valued my contribution.
  4. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | Other students empathised with my struggle to learn.

F. Interpretation

In this lesson/topic/project...

  1. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I made good sense of other students' messages.
  2. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | Other students made good sense of my messages.
  3. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | I made good sense of the teacher's messages.
  4. | -- | - | +/- | + | ++ | The teacher made good sense of my messages.

How long did this survey take you to complete?

Do you have any other comments?

Creative Commons License © Curtin University of Technology. Adapted by Matt Bury, This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Research paper: Taylor, P. and Maor, D. (2000). Assessing the efficacy of online teaching with the Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey. In A. Herrmann and M.M. Kulski (Eds), Flexible Futures in Tertiary Teaching. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Teaching Learning Forum, 2-4 February 2000. Perth: Curtin University of Technology.