B2-C1 Media resources & activities
A variety of multimedia resources & activities for higher-level students.
24 years’ experience with Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
Enhancing & augmenting curricula | Making online English language learning engaging, effective, & manageable
🇪🇺 🇪🇸 Córdoba, España
A variety of multimedia resources & activities for higher-level students.
Resources and information for teachers
Resources and information for teachers
Resources and information for teachers
Resources and information for teachers
Resources & information for teachers
Supplementary activities and resources
Preparation & practice activities for the Cambridge B1 Preliminary exam
Preparation & practice activities for the Cambridge B2 First for Schools exam
Preparation & practice activities for the Cambridge B2 First exam
Supplementary activities and resources
Preparation & practice activities for the Cambridge C1 Advanced exam
Supplementary resources and activities
Supplementary activities and resources
Preparation & practice activities for the Trinity College London Integrated Skills in English I exam
Preparation & practice activities for the Trinity College London Integrated Skills in English II exam
Preparation & practice activities for the Trinity College London Integrated Skills in English III exam