“Unshuffled” option now available on MILAs

I’ve added a new option to some of my Multimedia Interactive Learning Applications (MILAs). Teachers, curriculum developers and course content developers can now set MILAs to generate learning activities in sequential order, in other words, unshuffled. Why generate unshuffled learning activities? By default, MILAs shuffle the order that items appear in to make them less… Continue reading “Unshuffled” option now available on MILAs

OU releases new web privacy awareness game

The UK’s Open University has launched a free online gamified learning interaction to help users learn about web privacy. Web privacy and surveillance are serious and overly ignored issues in education and elearning which I’ve highlighted in a previous article here. The OU’s page says: “Have you ever thought about what your personal information might… Continue reading OU releases new web privacy awareness game

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