The following is a quick, simple “How to… ” guide for setting up instant, free, “no frills”, easy to use, multi-way video conferencing and chat in Moodle for up to 8 people at a time. It also works on any web page as you see in the embedded room at the bottom of this article.… Continue reading Instant, simple video conferencing for free
Tag: LMS
Free and low-cost Moodle hosting options
Every year, web hosting and installing web apps becomes less technically demanding, quicker, and simpler and it’s getting to the point nowadays where it’s a consumer level endeavour. Here’s a few of the easiest low-cost options for hosting Moodle that I’ve seen so far. [Please note: This article is now out of date & Moodle… Continue reading Free and low-cost Moodle hosting options
Ratings systems on social platforms can have unexpected effects
This is a quick post to share a recently published paper, How Community Feedback Shapes User Behavior, that examines the effects of ratings systems and up/down voting on social networking platforms and services. I go on to discuss some questions it raises for online social learning. Abstract Here’s the abstract to How Community Feedback Shapes User… Continue reading Ratings systems on social platforms can have unexpected effects
Implementing star-ratings in Moodle
Following the upsurge of interest in gamification* of learning (not to be confused with “edugames”), this is a quick “How to” article for a question that seems to come up a lot these days: “How can I implement star-ratings in Moodle?” How to implement star-ratings in Moodle Moodle already has an elaborate, editable, and adaptable… Continue reading Implementing star-ratings in Moodle
Specifying elearning resources and strategies
A common challenge facing those about to embark on elearning projects is knowing just what their options are and what they have to offer. Novice project managers, teachers, and curriculum developers often find themselves at a loss as to where they should start and what they should be looking into. This article is not intended… Continue reading Specifying elearning resources and strategies
Free and open source concept map app for Moodle
I’m pleased to announce that the Concept Map app is now available on my repository as a free and open source project. It works with the SWF Activity Module for Moodle 1.9 and 2.5+ and a compiled version of the app is included pre-installed with the latest version of the SWF Activity Module for… Continue reading Free and open source concept map app for Moodle introduce their first MOOC
This is just a quick annoucement about a project that may be of interest to teachers who are new to Moodle. Moodle for teachers: An introduction is a 4 week introductory course with a recommended total of 8-12 hours participation time. Registration opens on 19th August 2013 and the course starts on 1st September 2013. There… Continue reading introduce their first MOOC
Update on the free online interactive c-test generator
In January of this year (2013) I published an article on my C-Test Generator which I made freely available for everyone to use so that they can generate their own c-tests quickly and easily. Since then, it has occured to me that it would also be useful to be able to generate text versions of… Continue reading Update on the free online interactive c-test generator
“Unshuffled” option now available on MILAs
I’ve added a new option to some of my Multimedia Interactive Learning Applications (MILAs). Teachers, curriculum developers and course content developers can now set MILAs to generate learning activities in sequential order, in other words, unshuffled. Why generate unshuffled learning activities? By default, MILAs shuffle the order that items appear in to make them less… Continue reading “Unshuffled” option now available on MILAs
Free talking picture dictionary for Moodle
I’ve just finished putting together a Learning Content Cartridge which I’m releasing for free under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) licence for anyone to use, edit and redistribute as they please. There are 28 entries (33 including plurals) and each one has a corresponding image and an MP3 audio recording. The package… Continue reading Free talking picture dictionary for Moodle