SWF Activity Module now supports conditional sequencing

The latest build of the SWF Activity Module for Moodle includes support for conditional sequencing between SWF course module instances. This means that teachers and course content developers can require learners to successfully complete one SWF Activity Module instance before moving on to the next. What is conditional module sequencing? Normally, on any given Moodle… Continue reading SWF Activity Module now supports conditional sequencing

An alternative approach to EFL/ESL course design

The following article is a tentative presentation of a few ideas for an alternative approach to EFL/ESL course design that incorporate the rapidly evolving technologies and social norms of the 21st century. The ideas I’m presenting here are by no means new or my own. My intention is to share my thoughts and hopefully stimulate… Continue reading An alternative approach to EFL/ESL course design

What is Moodle?

Moodle is my learning management system (LMS) of choice. I’ve contributed two widely used plugin modules to it (the SWF Activity Module and the Media Player module) and use it with groups of volunteer students for my research in course content development and online learning approaches and strategies. What is Moodle? “Moodle (abbreviation for Modular… Continue reading What is Moodle?

Students can save snapshot images on Moodle

I’m pleased to announce a new open source application and web service that I’ve developed in collaboration with Greenwood College School in Toronto, Canada. Learners can now take snapshots of specially adapted Flash applications which are then saved by Moodle in the course files directory. It’s a simple yet powerful idea brimming with potential uses… Continue reading Students can save snapshot images on Moodle

SWF Activity Module now supports SWF Address

This article’s aimed at developers and adminstrators and addresses a web usability issue that has an ingenious solution. If you’re not at all “geeky” this article will most probably go right over your head. A common problem with Flash and web browsers is that they don’t use the same navigation model. Users regularly click on… Continue reading SWF Activity Module now supports SWF Address

EFL elearning course content design criteria

Elearning presents new challenges, both technological and pedagogical, to EFL course content developers when transferring their knowledge and skills to on-line learning. In all learning, there are critical considerations to take into account when developing effective, motivating and engaging courses. However, it’s easy for teachers and content developers who are unfamiliar with web technologies to… Continue reading EFL elearning course content design criteria

Media Player module now supports HTML5 video

There has been a lot of debate about Flash and HTML5 video ever since Apple and Steve Jobs took the decision to block Flash from their iOS operating system. Currently, iPhone and iPad users can’t view video or audio deployed on Moodle. Now the Media Player module for Moodle brings support for HTML5 video tags… Continue reading Media Player module now supports HTML5 video

Making the transition from the classroom to on-line

As elearning becomes more popular and more learners’ expect elearning in some form as a part of their course, more schools and academies are thinking about adopting a learning management system to meet their expectations. So how does an organisation make the transition from the classroom to on-line learning activities? What can you successfully transfer… Continue reading Making the transition from the classroom to on-line

SWF Activity Module updated for PHP 5.3+

In the world of software development, you always have to be looking ahead. The web server language that Moodle and the SWF Activity Module are written in, PHP, is constantly evolving and being updated. PHP 4 is no longer supported, we’ve been on PHP 5 now for over a year and PHP 6 is just… Continue reading SWF Activity Module updated for PHP 5.3+

New C-Test learning application

I’m pleased to announce yet another Flash Interactive Multimedia Learning Application to add to the suite of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) software for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). What is a C-Test? A c-test is a type of language test in which learners read a brief paragraph in the target language. The first… Continue reading New C-Test learning application