Transfer appropriate processing in language learning: An essential principle

Introduction Effective language learning means engaging in meaningful tasks that develop the knowledge, skills, & attitudes that are necessary for real-world communication. Transfer appropriate processing (TAP) is a fundamental principle in instructional design that ensures learning activities develop the competencies students need to participate in their target discourse communities. By aligning educational experiences with real-life… Continue reading Transfer appropriate processing in language learning: An essential principle

How multitasking inhibits learning

In today’s tech, social media, & smartphone dominated world, multitasking is often believed to make us more productive. However, research suggests that this modern-day “skill” may be more harmful than helpful, particularly when it comes to learning. From impaired focus to decreased memory retention, the effects of multitasking can undermine our ability to process &… Continue reading How multitasking inhibits learning

Meaning first: Why connecting form and meaning is essential for language learning

  Language learning is far more than memorising vocabulary & grammar rules; it is about understanding & using language meaningfully in real-world contexts. For learners, this involves making connections between linguistic forms & their functions in communication. Whether students aim to join discourse communities, handle everyday tasks, or succeed in high-stakes exams, the key to… Continue reading Meaning first: Why connecting form and meaning is essential for language learning